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Your 3rd birthday in heaven…

Happy heavenly birthday Emma! I cannot believe it is your 3rd birthday already. I close my eyes and can  imagine you running around the...

It’s always in the quiet moments...

It’s always in the quiet moments. The drives alone. The darkness after your sisters are sleeping. The deep ache comes. The tears come. I...

January 31st, your birthday

Yesterday , January 31st, was your second heavenly birthday. Im not going to lie, the last couple of days have been harder as we relive...

You’ll Never, but I Can…

Two years after you were born, I keep doing what I can to honor your life.

Your 2nd birthday…

Your 2nd birthday is just a day away. I wish I could think of this day and smile. Instead I am taken back to the pain of that first...

My bipolar emotions…

Feeling a deep pain and sadness while feeling so happy and blessed is a strange constant state…

Happy birthday

Happy 1st birthday my sweet girl. Mommy loves you so much. We all miss you so very much. This is so hard. How I wish you could be here....

Almost a year…

Dear Emma, Your 1st birthday is 10 days away. How has it already been a year? It seems like it was so long ago that I held you in my arms...

Your sister is here!

Dear Emma, Your sister is here! Littlest Mae was brought into this world on December 5th. So many emotions. We are so grateful for her,...


Dear Emma, It has been too long since I’ve written. I’m sorry. Life has been so busy and hard. So many ups and downs. I had no idea how...

Bitter Waters to Rainbow Skies

“…When a rainbow appears, it does not mean the storm never happened or that we are not still dealing with it’s aftermath…”

The Pumpkin Patch

Oct. 9th, 2021 For every happy event there is an unspoken sadness because you are not here. Dad, your sisters, and I all went to the...

Emotional toll

Dear Emma, Another month has come and gone. I have so much to say but I keep it all in. I’m not sure if the emotional toll of caring for...

It feels like Deja Vu

Dear Emma, Once again, the air is filling with smoke and the hospital is filling with COVID patients. Us nurses are working extra...

Sail into the Wind

We must embrace the memories and not run because of the pain…

The Loss Just Won’t Stop…

"When I was a young boy. My father took me into the city. To see a marching band..." Welcome to the Black Parade, My Chemical Romance...

Almost 6 months…

Emma, You’d almost be 6 months now, sitting up, smiling, showing off your little personality. How I wish more then anything that I could...

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Thank you for reading about our path to healing. 

Emma's Heart painting by Anni Furniss

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